It was my second time with Kasia Dziurska as a model.

playground marcin biedroń x kasia dziurska

playground marcin biedroń x kasia dziurska

I was very excited to shoot in AWF Warsaw with Kasia. The place is awesome and picture came one by one by themeselves.

playground marcin biedroń x kasia dziurska
playground marcin biedroń x kasia dziurska

playground marcin biedroń x kasia dziurska

We have to choose between two gyms in AWF no.1 and no.5. Although no.5 sounds like Chanel's best perfume the no.1 was really number one. Empty old school spaces, only a few basketballs. The perfect place for Kasia's Dziurska PLAYGROUND.

playground marcin biedroń x kasia dziurska

playground marcin biedroń x kasia dziurska
playground marcin biedroń x kasia dziurska
playground marcin biedroń x kasia dziurska

playground marcin biedroń x kasia dziurska

playground marcin biedroń x kasia dziurska

playground marcin biedroń x kasia dziurska
playground marcin biedroń x kasia dziurska

playground marcin biedroń x kasia dziurska

playground marcin biedroń x kasia dziurska

There was nothing mystery in named this session Playground. Kasia has a jacket with a big title "playground" on her back. Simply but I guess very in point. Playground is also  meaning of the place, where she feels best- gym. Kasia is known as a world champion in bikini fitness.

playground marcin biedroń x kasia dziurska

playground marcin biedroń x kasia dziurska
playground marcin biedroń x kasia dziurska

Photographer: Marcin Biedroń | A12 Team
Model: Kasia Dziurska | world bikini fitness champion
Hair & make up: Ola Przyłuska
Style: Dorota Magdziarz
Production: Monika Biedroń | A12 Team
Location: AWF Warsaw

playground marcin biedroń x kasia dziurska


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